Executive Director
Executive Director oversees and administers the total operations of the Southern Maryland Center for Independent Living (SMCIL) as set by the Board of Directors guidelines.
Deputy Executive Director/Transistion Manager
Deputy Executive Director supports the Executive Director and manages programs and staff on a day to day basis. As Transition Manager, provide outreach, education, advocacy, and peer support. Peer support will be available for nursing facility residents and their caregivers as well as students and their families.
IL/AT Specialist
The Independent Living/Assistive Technology Specialist (IL/AT) supports the needs of individuals living with disabilities through our Five Core Services. The IL/AT Specialist also manages our Assistive Technology grants and the Southern Maryland Regional Assistive Technology Loan Library.
Office Fiscal Administrator
The Office Fiscal Support staff member provides leadership in the financial, administrative, and records management functions of the agency by implementing and ensuring compliance with all grant requirements and the guidelines of the general accounting procedures.
MFP Peer Coordinator/Independent Living (IL)
The Peer Coordinator assists
individuals with the transition from nursing facilities to the community.
The Independent Living Specialist supports the needs of individuals
living with disabilities though our Five Core Services.
Transitioning Youth Specialist/Support Planner
The Transitioning Youth Specialist provides support and information to students with disabilities and their families
while connecting them to existing community services and
resources in order to aid in transition from school to adult life. The
Support Planner assists individuals with disabilities who qualify for
Comprehensive Case Management and Supports Planning Service
through Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports.
Veterans Support Volunteer
The Veterans Support Volunteer assist in the
operation of the Disabled Veterans Support Network meetings and
supports Disabled Veterans as a peer and a resource.